K so I know you are all sick of hearing about this Tonsil thing but its all im about right now. Why? Well...because it is all consuming and terrible and I am so weak I can do anything but type about it :) Sorry....
Anyways, I am on Day 8 and I think I feel better today, the only issue is the weakness. I havent eaten at all and have lost 15 lbs now...ridiculous. You would think that I would be happy about that but really I rather be fat right at this moment. I still have alot of pain when swallowing and my taste buds are definetly damaged. On a good note, I managed a piece of toast with cheese whiz on it !!!! Granted it took me an hour to eat it but I got it down! WHOOT
Saturday is the online crop at www.loveisinthedetails.ca I cant wait and really hope that I can handle it and do some scrapping!!
Nite all
I'm SO glad that you are feeling better! You need to update your blog to tell everyone that! LOL!!! And you are now TAGGED! Check out my blog!
STALKING YOU ........................
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