Monday, August 11, 2008

Hellllllo blogger world......

Yes I have been neglectful....I havent blogged since OCTOBER!! LOL
BTW...Im fine now after my tonsillectomy :) I actually have not been sick since...for real!
Life for me is going great....I am expecting my 3rd child in January 2009....Im very happy about that and things seem to be moving along great. The sad thing is that some people just cant be happy for you no matter what...oh friends of mine!
In the scrapping world...I suck...I dont seem to have any motivation at all :( I havent since I got preggo....hopefully it will come back to me soon.
Whats up with you all????I've missed this mindless chatter to the cyber world....I will keep it up...I promise:)
Lesson for today: let stupid people just roll off your back and keep going :)

My baby belly
18 weeks


Nicole Nowosad said...

Couldn't agree with you more....sad isn't it.

As for mojo -- seems being preggers does suck it out of you!!! I have none either!

Deborah Marasa said...

I need to see that belly in person!!

Vanessa said...


maybe a good ole fashioned crop will get you some mojo!!!

Julie said...

Ok, are you sure there isn't more than one in that belly?

Laura said...

love your belly!!
Happy to see you've updated the blog!