Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just a quick note....

Just wanted to say HELLO...Im alive :) Everything is going good....having some issues with change, Im quite teary off and on but for the most part Im fine. Jadie is doing wonderful, she has gained some weight...already 8lbs! She isnt sleeping too badly, wakes up twice a night.
Some cute pics to follow....


Julie said...

Oh Jocie, I think a few tears are normal.It takes some adjusting for sure,but it will get easier.

Deborah Marasa said...

can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

A few tears is normal Jocie. It's part of the postpartum. I can't wait to see more pics.

redmom said...

Those darn hormones hey Jocie! Glad to hear babes growing well, can't wait to see more pics of the little sweetie!

Laura said...

ah yes...I remember those days.
Hang in there Jocie, it'll get better!