Monday, September 11, 2006

A new LO for me!!!

Well I did it! I actually did a LO tonight! I'm happy and think it turned out nice. I did the Mystery Monday night Layout at LIITD-I really dont follow directions well and of course kinda screwed up but it worked out! My odd little tummy thing is getting better, didnt go to a doctor. Things to make you go hmmmm.....havent been visited by 'friend' this month yet. crossing my fingers........................
What were you doing 5 years ago today? I was at my MIL watching the tv in utter shock. Just want to mention this because I have not forgotten.
Nothing else to say except that my 4 year old doesnt want to go to bed and is driving me crazy!
Lesson for today: just do it!!

see ya


Nicole Nowosad said...

5 years ago today..well yesterday, I was sitting in a PH arguing with my boss over a new budget that was cheap. My sister called me and everything changed. We all went home and were glued to the tube all night.

Layout looks awesome ! I sooo love the pink and brown together!

Glad to hear your tummy troubles are lessening...crossing your fingers for anything specific! *wink*

Vanessa said...

jocie...fab layout!! it is so it!!!