Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A wonderful Sunday

This past Sunday, Jeff and the girls and I went to Grand beach...just the the 4 of us. It was blissful!!
We swam, ate, sunbathed, watched the sunset, watched some fireworks.....just had an all around wonderful family day! I love when things like this just happen and everything falls into place.....makes for wonderful memories:)

What do you like to do with your family?


Julie said...

Sounds like a great day. I love going to the beach with the kids.It is a great babysitter.I love your pics.

Vanessa said...

awww..i wish K was wanting to do stuff like that still..

seems like it is mostly dale & i these days...

redmom said...

Love your sunset photo!!! That little trail looks mighty familiar! Glad you all enjoyed your day!

Scrappytbear said...


Laura said...

love these pics.
Sounds like a perfect family day.
We haven't been to the beach in forever but we like to go bowling together and play games.
We're planning a trip to the corn maze soon. It's hard with Brian out of town all the time but we make the most of his time at home...or we try too!